This hat...I'm obsessed. The hat is called the Jungles mens 5-panel hat...and yes I bought it even though it's for men. I've worn it almost everyday since I bought it (with my pajamas/anything I've been wearing around the ridiculous as that sounds). The print is so unique and I finally came up with a legitimate outfit to wear it with! The outfit was simple, I wore a black t-shirt with a small horizontal zipper on it and green skinny cargo pants so the hat really completed the look. The brand is called Yea.Nice and I think it's so clever. If you look closely, under the Yea.Nice logo on the hat it says "It's A Brand" which actually makes a lot of sense. The other day my friend said "Oh that's cool the hat says Yea Nice on the back" and I replied by saying "It's A Brand"...I thought it was pretty clever. The picture above was taken yesterday and yes, once again this is lo-fi filter. I couldn't help but Instagram a picture of it. So I tagged #yeanice because when I bought the hat, the tags had the hash-tag on it. Turns out the two founders of the company liked my picture! The two founders are Jj Thomas (@jjthomas_) and Josh Sherman (@josh_yeanice). Check them out! Here are more pictures of the hat:
Oh and shameless selfie with one of my favorite Ray-Ban sunglasses that look pretty sick with the hat
(Personal Instagram: @amandapdc // Blog Instagram: tropicana_girls)
(Personal Instagram: @amandapdc // Blog Instagram: tropicana_girls)
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